Health News 9 - High blood pressure is also called hypertension is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal indicated by the systolic number (top) and the bottom number (diastolic) blood pressure on examination using a blood pressure measuring device. Be careful with high blood pressure, because high blood pressure is one factor that can cause dangerous diseases such as heart attack, stroke, arterial aneurysm. Although the causes of high blood pressure is not known for certain, here are some things that contribute to the cause of high blood pressure in general.
Factors High Blood Pressure : Obesity
Factors that cause high blood pressure which is the first Obesity. Obesity or overweight is also known as one of the factors that support the increase in blood pressure. People who have weight more than 30 percent of the ideal weight is to have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure. At first glance it seems difficult to lose weight, but if you realize how important it is to have an ideal body weight, it will be easy. To lose weight you can do by buying whole foods such as fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, and fish or meat, you can easily lose weight, but it did also exercise routine.
Factors High Blood Pressure : Age
Factors other than obesity, Age is also a factor that causes high blood pressure. The results showed that with increasing age of a person, then the blood pressure will also increase. We can only try to make our blood pressure does not go through the normal threshold. You can choose to be someone who does not let your age affects your health. In addition some of these factors Genetics and family history is also one of the causes of high blood pressure that is difficult to avoid. Although, the cause is what should make you fight harder to overcome the disease. By taking full control of the quality of your life now, you can make a better future for themselves in the future. Also avoid excessive stress, because stress also contribute to an increase in your blood pressure.
Factors High Blood Pressure : Sensitivity to Salt
Other factors are the cause of high blood pressure sensitivity to salt. Some people have blood that is sensitive to salt intake or sodium as well. Few consume salt or sodium, their blood pressure will rise dramatically. Therefore, if you are one of those who are sensitive to salt, reduce salt intake. Be careful when adding salt to the diet and also read food labels before consuming it. Factors other causes of high blood pressure is excessive alcohol consumption, drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body and your health. To keep the blood pressure remained normal, avoid alcohol as much as possible.
Well, that's a few factors that cause an increase in blood pressure hopefully helpful, to avoid high blood pressure, start a healthy lifestyle from now on, do regular exercise, in addition to eating fruits and vegetables also contain lots of fiber, such as green vegetables, bananas, and carrots. Consumption of foods also contain a lot of calcium, magnesium and potassium because these three substances can help us to lower blood pressure. Besides this way, to treat high blood pressure naturally and safely you can also consume sea cucumber extract option, studies show that sea cucumber extract is very effective in treating high blood pressure, to more clearly read another article about natural remedies high blood. (Read : Symptoms of High Blood Pressure: How to know someone affected by High Blood Pressure)
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