Health News 9 - Diabetes is a disease caused by abnormalities that occur in metabolism due to many factors. Arise as a result of diabetes glucose contained in the blood has too high levels of insulin in the body so that the use does not work well. Early symptoms of diabetes when nested inside the body are usually not recognized by the patient, the patient usually underestimate symptoms so ignore, diabetes treatment should be done early in order to keep the rest of the body so as not been affected as well.
Easy to feel tired
Easy to feel tired, the first characteristic that often people ignore when performing activities of daily living is easy to feel tired, if your body feels tired easily is a sign of the possibility of disease in the body is suffering from one of them characteristic of the body that it is easy to feel tired initial characteristics often underestimated by people.
Weight loss with no known cause
Weight loss with no known cause, if the weight down for no reason then do not like it, because a person's weight will not drop suddenly if he does not maintain a diet and also do sports activities so that you lose weight. If the weight loss suddenly this could be the beginning of a person's traits affected by type 1 diabetes can weight down suddenly is caused when a person has diabetes, the body does not use glucose in a normal place so that this hoard fat, used as energy by the body.
Feeling thirsty often
Feeling thirsty often, when the body feels thirsty frequently without any apparent cause of this could be an early symptom of the disease of diabetes. The cause of this thirst caused by the body loses a lot of water due to frequent urination constant (polyuria) so that the body requires re-supply of fluids.
Skin color becomes dark
Skin color becomes dark, one of the main characteristics that indicate a person affected by diabetes is the appearance of dark spots on the skin, in the case of these spots usually occur on the neck. Darkening of the skin is caused by the body's insulin response by so many produce pigment.
Vision is getting weaker
Vision is getting weaker, If sight (eyes) someone is getting blurred, then it will be out of focus vision occurs due cause blood glucose levels to rise. Then glucose will rise around the lens, which in turn will often unfocused vision.
Often Hungry
Often Hungry, when the body is feeling hungry cause might be insulin levels in the body. Someone with a lot of desire is hunger in the medical world is also called polyphagia.
Wounds on the body long recovery
Wounds on the body long recovery, one of the main ways that are easy to recognize the characteristics of diabetes in a person is by looking at the wounds on the body. Surely symptoms wounds heal in a long time than usual this might indicate that a person has diabetes.
The decline in nerve function
The decline in nerve function, one of the main symptoms of diabetes other is decreasing function which ultimately cause nerve pain in the legs, often feel tingling also is one of them. Surely we should be wary if the decreased nerve function, especially if the foot does not feel pain when the needle punctured.
Well, above is information about the characteristics of the early symptoms of diabetes, of course, by knowing more about the early symptoms early is a good step before the disease is present in the body becomes more severe. Not too late to treat your diabetes. Consult your nearest doctor if it has a characteristic early symptom of diabetes. You can also make a healthy diet for diabetics. Read the article for diabetics dietary guidelines in Diabetes Diet: How a Good Diet for People with Diabetes.
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